Friday, August 12, 2011
Puppy suckling and kneading her toy?
She is comforting herself by doing this on the toy. If you remove it, she will be emotionally distressed and might start sucking on her own flank or paw or her bedding. It won't cause problems with her teeth. Get a couple of other similar toys and switch them out so she has several to choose from, and take one with you when you go somewhere. She should outgrow this behavior.
How do you get the Black and Decker All-in-one automatic bread maker(B2300) to knead dough and rise(no baking)?
I want to knead and rise the dough but I don't want to bake it inside the bread maker as I have other things to do with the dough. Thanks
My two cats still knead?
The first cat that we got is 3 or 4 years old. The second one is 2 years old. We got them about 2 years apart. The 2 year old one kneads more often than the older one. But the older one still does it. Why are they still doing that at this age?!
What's wrong with me?
I feel like I'm going crazy and don't know if I've got OCD or just anxiety or even both. I get so worked up and worry what everyone is thinking about me all the time and when there's stress in my job I feel like I can't breathe and the only way through it is to cut myself. I used to be a cutter when I was 14/15 but got therapy for a few months and stopped cutting until last year after I turned 20. Now I'm cutting on a more frequent basis because I feel like I'm not good enough and can't control these negative thoughts in my mind all the time. I'm also not sure if I have OCD or not...whenever I go driving I get home and have to turn around and re-drive the same route over and over to make sure I made no mistakes on the way. If I make the smallest mistake I have to go back and re drive over where I made it as a way to make up for it. Like if I drive over the same route again it's going to be okay. Today it should have taken me 5 minutes to get home, instead it took me almost an hour because I kept redriving over and over where I had been the first time to make sure I hadn't slipped up. Whenever I lock the doors of the house I have to check them atleast 3 times and then I walk away and have to walk back and check just one more time. I turn my hair straigtener off and it plays on my mind until I've checked so much that it's the point where I unplug it and then have to physically touch the plug to make sure I'm not just imagining that it is unplugged. With my car you can see the lights are off from the outside of the car but I always have to actually get back into my car and touch the settings to make sure for real that they are off, not just by looking at them. I have to have my magazines and books absolutely flat and in a particular order all the time, I can't stand it when someone slightly bends the cover of something or rearranges them....Ahh what is wrong with me?
Is it ok to use my charger now?
Ok so a couple of weeks ago i began having trouble with my toshiba 120 watt ac adapter charger. I would have to position the prong a certain way in order for it to take a charge. and then smelled burning plastic. I took it up to geek squad and they i needed a new dc jack (charger port) and proably a new charger totalling up to almost 300 hundred dollars. i hadnt used my charger for 2 weeks and left i unplug and my computer completely off and today i decided to test it out again. I plugged in the charger and i didnt have to position it a certain way and ive been monitoring the coating around the prong to see if its getting extremely hot like it had been. i dont not smell the burning scent anymore and the charger is at best warm. Its normal and its charging. is this some technical fluke/miracle and im all set to use my charger or is it doing more damage?
Do you find this pleasing... please read and comment?
Did you post a shorter version of this that before? Cause I am pretty sure I read the first but before, it was memorable to me. The flow here (I think thats call meter not sure) is very strict and you use it well, never seen a poem about hair before, even though I know it's more than that, but still; this is a first. :)
ANOTHER SERIOUS QUESTION: sister is also taking me to court, can I FORCE her to keep my kids? She is trying to?
One you shouldn't of had kids in the first place! Two if you can provide for them they will take your money because those children at least deserve that. As for them making you take them no. They will probably be put into a foster family because your a dead beat! You shouldnt have reproduced if you never even wanted kids!!!
HELP Getting a new ps3 hard drive?
My ps3's hard drive recently got infected after a game froze on me for the 5th time and I had to unplug it from the back to turn it off. Now it says i have to restore my hard drive but every time I do it just says the same thing. I'm gonna have to replace my hard drive but where can I format it for my ps3? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Do i have a disorder or am i over reacting....?
You're depressed, which can cause panic attacks. Which sounds a lot like what you're feeling. I am sure your medication doesn't help that and OCD is only going to make it worse. The shaky hands, the dizziness, the irritability, thinking you're going to go crazy or are going crazy, thinking things are pointless, it as all signs of either depression or anxiety. Try to figure out why you are depressed/anxious. It can be solved without medication, but if you cannot find respite. Seek the help of a therapist/medical professional. Try to clean up your diet, that sometimes helps. Dairy, glucose, sugary/salty foods have sometimes caused this in people. I can't tell you why you're having this problem, but explore the options of recuperation.
My Pelonis space heater shorted out and caused a fire. Do I have a case?
My Pelonis ceramic space heater caused a fire in my family room. I'm so glad we were home and awake! The heater was off but still plugged in. Honestly during the winter it's a permanent fixture in that room because it gets so cold. We do turn it off but typically do not unplug it. The other morning I heard what sounded like a cell phone vibrating, very loudly I might add. The next thing I new I heard my husband screaming "fire, fire, fire....He's your typical goof I figured he's goofing off with the kids...I turned around and looked into the family room and saw he was serious. There was a fire up the wall and behind the chair. He was able to get the fire out on his own however there was some damage. The plug on the heater shorted out (actually melted in the outlet). We did get an estimate for the damages and it's just over 8,000.00. We do have home owners insurance but I'm curious to know if it's worth the time and effort to try to have the manufacturer of the heater pay for the damages. It could have been a lot worse had we not been home and/or asleep but if this could be faulty manufacturing I don't think it's fair we are stuck with a large deductible.
DO you like my WM 28 card?
Never EVER do one of these again. Your horrible -_- your gonna put jobbers on almost every match? They don't even make SENSE!!!!
How can I reset the bios password on my Sony Vaio laptop model PCG-GR370?
Well I have a Sony Vaio laptop model PCG-GR370 that I bought about 2yrs. ago and about a month ago it crashed on me and started asking me for the bios password.I dont know the password and the person who sold it to me does not know it either.So I know a little bit of electronics and I opened the laptop to drain the CMOS battery(and yes everything was unplugged) but that didn't work and I've tried several passwords that I found online but they didn't work either.So I ask you guys what else can I do to over come this problem?Is there jumpers on this laptop?Cause if there is I can't find them.Or is there another battery or some type of bios reset button?
Tritton AX 720 Problem?
I recently purchased the Tritton AX 720 headset for the PS3, the first few days of using the headset were very good, but i now seem to have a problem involving the surround sound capabilities of the headset. I don't know if it is just me or if it is a problem with the headset, but i no longer seem to be hearing surround sound, but instead stereo sound. I keep alternating between stereo sound and surround sound - via the option on the amp - and i seem to hear no difference in the sound. The amp shows that the dolby digital signal is being recieved, but it still shows it even when i unplug the optical cable. I am very confused, and help and advice on how to change the sound back to surround would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Jailbreaking problems with my 2 gen?
I have an iPod touch 2 gen. It is running on 4.2.1 and I intended on jailbreaking it. I downloaded gp rc6 and followed all the steps and making sure I did nothing wrong. At the point of jailbreaking, my iPod white screened, but never started filling my screen with code. It stays white screened and then it says jailbreak failed so I unplug and hard reboot. I have also tried this with gp rc5_b2 and same problem occurs. Any suggestions on how to overcome this?
What does my dream mean?
Hmmm.... Maybe it mean that people you know will be dying O_O or you will be going to a lot of funerals. Or maybe your dream is just reminding you of things your scared of..
How do I make green icing for a dinosaur cake?
I am going to make a dinosaur cake for my sons 3rd bday and have only ever made icing for a Christmas cake. Can I buy ready-to-roll white icing and knead green food colouring into it to make it green or do I have to make it from scratch?
Can they do this for my funeral?
i want to be buried and put in a casket that has solar powered speakers in it that plays my favorite songs from the 70's, 80's and 90's for the rest of eternity ( or at least until the sun goes out 4 good) can they do this???
Why does my year old cat lick the inside of my arm while kneading?
It is suckling behavior, carried over from when she was an infant. Sometimes it stems from being taken too early from the mother and being improperly weaned.
Is this a good Personal Narrative?
I really enjoyed reading this. You had the hook in there; I could tell because I couldn't stop reading. Your narrative caught my attention. I have no clue what the title should be. The only problem I had while reading this was the mechanics. You have some commas and periods missing. There were times when I would get confused by what you were trying to say. Also, I loved that you went back and forth between the "present" and your experiences/memories of your grandfather. I like that format. Other than that, it was well done. GOOD JOB! (:
What happened to my buried dog?
Regardless of how the lumber was treated it will eventually rot and cave in on itself. Once it 'caves in' moisture and dirt will enter the coffin along with any bugs that will help decompose your dog. I really doubt you'll smell it because of how far your dog is buried underground but it will eventually decay and become part of the earth again.
Can someone please help me in the analysis of this poem? My teacher said it was easy... :P?
its basically a man saying how amazing a woman's body is... he's complimenting her in a very confusing way, but hes relating her body to a kingdom. he also mentions that shes forgetful "whose fruit is the very eatage of forgetfulness". ya hes basically checking her out and saying wat he sees in an odd way lol
Thursday, August 11, 2011
How many usage hours should I get on my iPhone 4?
I'm wondering how many hours of usage I should get on my new iPhone 4. I've had it for about 6 days, and I'm getting about 6 hours of usage and 8 hours of standby. That's if I unplug I in the morning after charging it through the night. My last charge, I unplugged it before I went to bed after it sat at 100 for awhile. I let it sit through the night, and right now it's 7:15 pm. My battery is at 52% and I've tried not to use my iphone very much because I was cautious of the battery. My usage is 3 hrs 34 min. My standby is 15 hrs 42 min. That is after I let it sit through he night off the charger until now. Is this normal battery life? Or is mine defective? I don't know what to expect because this is my first smartphone.
Does make a good perspective on creationism?
They'll not understand you, pet. Their thinking begins and ends with 'goddidit' with a smattering of irreducible complexity thrown in just spread the lie further.
How do you start a pocket bike that wont start?
Only starts when use jumper cable to car.. then dies as soon as I unplug it... four stroke x2 pocket bike. Btw it hasn't been running for a year and I don't have the keys
I cant remember this books name?
I read this book awhile ago...its about this boy who saves this girl from being run over by a car and then she falls in love with him n finds out that he can see the future when he touches people...he sees that she is in great danger...this might also help the girl has a job sculpting clay at this place called kneed or knead (however u spell it) as in kneading clay
Why does my female cat always 'knead' my plush housecoat?
Whenever I wear/leave my house coat on the floor, my cat begins to paw it and eventually digs her claws into it as though she were 'kneading' dough for bread! Why would she do this?
Why do a lot of people toss flowers into the grave of a loved one as the casket is slowly being lowered into?
you dont have to. It's something people do to express feelings. I would have taken the flowers home too
Why is my iphone doing this ?
my iphone ran out of battery, and when i plug it in . its just stuck on a battery with a little red line in and a volt/charger icon underneith.. but its not atchully doing anything.. or charging its jus been stuck like it for days, and when i unplug it is says to plug it back in.. ?? realy confused. also i have reset itunes . like reanstalled it. but its still doing it
What does a pencil artist need sandpaper for?
I went by an art store today and picked up a pencil artist starting set with paper, B-F pencils, kneaded eraser, shading stumps, and..sandpaper? There wasn't a guide or anything that came with the set to explain what the sandpaper was for. Does anyone have an idea as to why a drawing artist would need sandpaper?
Computer wouldent power on after being repaired try serveral things could it be the cpu blown up?
i have an amd le processor that was in an etower emachine. Was supposed to have windows 7 on it after a repair but was sumhow not working at all so i removed the old psu put it into another computer and i got nothing for power so i figured stock psu was bad. A month later i replaced with another psu was only a 20 pin i herd noise now when i powered it on figured maybe video is shot replaced nothing . After that i had remebered something about amd processors being fussy about runnin wit anything below like 325 or 350w so i said screw it then i ripped out the big dog a 650w psu and installed it nothing was working at that point no fans nothing so i question some plugs being loose i unplugged the 4 pin connector plug that was near the cpu i powered on i hear fans now. so it was at that point i was scratchin my head. I said well i got a newer amd motherboard hanging about am3 backwards compatable so i popped the old le chip into it and hookedall the plugs up and i got nothing so once again on the new board i go unplug the 4 pin plug power on bingo fans turn on but yet the same no video lead me at this point to believe the cpu is junk??? is it possiable that the original board is still good and would work with another chip. The newer board was tested with a quad core and worked fine so i do know that one board used was working and both boards without the 4 pin connected just 24 pin showed signs of fans working
How do I unstuff my nose after snorting cocaine?
I did coke last night, and everything was fine, and dandy then. But when I woke up this morning the nostril I snorted it with it plugged. I want it unplug so I can do it again. The other nostril has my nose ring so I'm sketchy about doing it. Anyone know any ways to unstuff it quick?
Is my cat actually a boy?
We got this kitty from a friend, who found her as a stray, last summer. She took her to the vet. She told us it was a girl and the belly had been shaved with no sign of being spayed. There were definitely no visible testicles--even I would have noticed that. We took her to get her spayed last month--even though she never showed signs of heat. In the middle of the surgery, the vet called to say she couldn't find a uterus or ovaries, and assumed she had already been spayed. (We still had to pay for the surgery.) She healed up fine. But lately some weird behaviors have started (my kids actually say she has been doing this all along, at night when sleeping with them). Like kneading, biting and humping a blanket. I thought this looked like male behavior, and was kind of puzzled. Two vets she saw her and no one said anything about it being a male. Well, tonight she was sitting Buddha-style...and I saw it. A PENIS!!! OMG. Is my cat actually a boy? How could 2 veterinarians miss this??? My children cannot stop laughing whenver I now refer to Mittens as "him!"
I need to learn to knead...?
Ok this is my first time baking with yeast and having to actually knead the dough, i was to knead it for 10 minutes but after about 5 minutes i was not kneading as throughly, it was more like squishing it... would that spoil the bread?
How do I deal with an extreme litterbug? (tv thrown into the long grass)?
I think I know who did it cause I was muttering pretty loudly that I'd get fingerprints and someone was listening and just as I was leaving this teen comes out of his driveway and walks around passing me and my dog like oK I'm pretending I didn't hear that and thinking of maybe cleaning my sh*t up but pretending to not be scared(as usual) I believe chucking an entire CRT tv out in the grass near houses is a pretty BAD thing to to seeing they can still hold a charge for a long time after being unplugged.. and we have places you can bring an old appliance to get properly disposed of and recycled.
Is it safe to open up an air conditioner?
My AC isn't working too great and I was wondering if it would be okay to open it up and take a look inside. I've heard that I shouldn't open up a TV set because it holds a deadly charge long after being unplugged but what about an AC?
Is my cat unhappy ???? :s?
My cat gives me contrasting signs. Her tail is constantly down, and she walks around the house the whole time, she wont play and she's mostly sleeping. All those indicate she's a sad cat but she gets a lot of my time, love and attention, I usually pet her till both of my hands get soar, she eats really well, and she sleeps on her back, which i heard means she's happy, she kneads her paws which is a sign she's happy. But I am confused, u see, we got our cat just a couple of months ago, she adapted to her new environment quickly and we became best friends in no time, although about a month ago she escaped and a week ago we found her, she's pregnant or so i believe. Is my cat unhappy ? Is it because she misses her previous owner ? Or is it just because she's pregnant ?
Is my mass air flow sensor bad?
I have a 2000 Chevy Impala with 3.8L v6. It is idling really rough. It was fine i took the exhaust off to repair a rotten section. I put it back on and when i started it it is just running like crap. If i unplug the mass air flow sensor it runs smooth but rpm's high, so does this mean the mass air flow sensor is bad?
They all saw me naked on Xbox Live. What should I do?
It was so embarrassing and I want to take it back so badly. I am 38 years old and a kind of obese, so it was even more embarrassing. :Last night, I set up my new xbox 360 web cam and decided to play uno. I didn't know anything about uno. I didn't know that the web cam would come on when I play. I thought it was only an option and that the web cam was mostly for video chat. Well, last night I was sitting down naked in front of the tv, exposed,with my legs out and everything and the web cam came on. I was on my ds at the same time waiting for the game to begin. Then immediately, I heard laughter and screaming through the headset and I was wondering what was going on so I started asking them and they started calling me a sick **** and a piece of **** and stuff and I looked up at the tv and what I saw shocked me. It was me, visible through the web cam sitting on the floor naked and exposed and everyone was laughing and screaming so I got up, turned around and got a pillow and ran and I know I shouldn't have because everyone saw my butt too when I turned around and ran. Then I just freaked out and went into the back and unplugged my Xbox 360 and started crying. I didn't know! It wasn't my fault. I haven't turned the console on since because I'm afraid I will be banned. Could I get banned for this even though it wasn't my fault?
If you're at a funeral and someone knocks over the casket and the body falls out, would you cry from laughter?
I'd be the first one to run over and touch it...then quickly get myself together and help put the body back in to conceal the fact that the only reason for my rushing over was just to touch it.
Is my female cat humping me?
Ok she's done this to me and some of my friends before, but I really don't think she is showing dominance because she is the most submissive cat I've ever seen. But when I'm sleeping sometimes she goes up and down my leg and at the same time kneading the bed like she would a stuffed animal. When she does this she purrs REALLY loud, it really grosses me out. She isn't spayed but I read a question on a spayed cat doing this too. Why does she do this, and IS it humping?
Reset the Message Waiting indicator on a GE Cell Fusion phone system?
Hi, I have a GE Cell Fusion phone system. I recently moved, and at my new home I do not have home phone service. Before I unplugged my phone at the old house, I had a message waiting which caused the message waiting indicator to blink. No combination of removing batteries, unplugging, deleting all messages, or anything else will make this blinking go away! Could you please tell me how to make the red blinking light stop? I won't be using land-line phone service any longer, but I love using this system in place of my cellular phone.
Why isn't my monitor turning on with my computer?
Everything is plugged in. My hard drive makes a beeping noise when it turns on, but I don't hear that anymore. This also happened the other day but unplugging everything fixed it. I tried that multiple times today and none of my attempts were successful. Please help me!
How would you react if a Donut was in the middle of your room?
I think Donuts are scary... A sugary, sweet nightmare that gained popularity because they have a hole in them?!
What is my cat doing to my blanket?
So when I go to bed he sleeps at the foot at the bed and sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up to find him grabbing a bit of my blanket in his mouth and pressing his paws down on the bed. One at a time, like kneading. Then he makes these noises where he's almost rolling his tongue, and meowing.
Funeral for Boss' wife: skip viewing & attend funeral?
A lot of people skip the viewing, you should be fine. Just make sure you say hello to him at some point, probably afterwards, and sign the book.
Catholics When a saint is canonized in modern times do they harvest a relic of the saint?
As in, if they canonize JPll do they open the casket and take a piece of his bodyWould they send it toPoland maybe? Where he was from?
Why does my cat do this?
He's perfectly normal. He's talking to you and loving on you. Answer him when he meows. He might keep talking or he might just settle down being comforted hearing your voice.
What happens if I unplug my laptop while it is doing updates?
I just accidentally unplugged my laptop while it was doing updates and now it has been installing the same update for awhile now. What should I do! And would this damage my laptop? I'm so scared! Please help and Ty.
Allowed to take the casket home for a viewing?
in mexico I noticed people view their loved ones dead body in casket in their own home.. Is that allowed in california?
What do you think about this recipe?
The recipe looks really good. It makes me want to make some pretzels today. I would probably add more toppings though. Maybe some onion flakes, poppy seeds, garlic salt or powder and caraway seeds.
Why is my tabby cat so needy?
I have this 5 month old tabby cat and she is extremely needy. Whenever I lay down, she sits on my chest. She is always kneading on me. She always wants to play and when we leave she gives this heartbreaking little meow. I feel bad for her, but I also want her to be independent. We have to older cats in the house, so she can play with those, but the only way she knows how to play is attacking them. My older cat is getting to the point that he is vomiting from the stress. How can I get Willow to be less needy?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Whay did i dream about my uncle dying? ?
Why did I dream about my uncle dying? This really upsets me cause he's my closest uncle to me. I woke up crying, in my dream I had gotten a call saying my uncle past away I ended up at the viewing seeing him in the casket wrapped up to where I could only see half of his face.
My friend died a few month ago and sometimes driving down the road i think i see her? HELP?
my friend died and when i went to her viewing it was an open casket. I didn't go up there but i could see her from my seat. Well a few times when coming back from the store,school,or going out to eat i swear i see her. Is this normal?
Why does my laptop say "Lmited Access?"?
Well I checked it and it said something about a gigabite Ethernet cord is unplugged, but the other computer is working fine. It's just this computer. Why is it doing this? It says limited access and I can't go online.
Can you dream about people you haven't met yet?
Okay, yes its freaky. But this same thing happened to my friend. And I used to be like that, but.. It just stopped so I dont get these freaky dreams anymore, maybe it will go away?
Why does my Acer Aspire T180 desktop beep when plugged in and not power up?
I think that it was unplugged or shorted out while powered on. It won't turn on. The green power light comes on and a red light on top flashes while the tower just beeps at me. Do I need a new power supply or do I need a new computer?
I made my first attempt @ marshmallow fondant. But it came out squishy and dry on the inside @ the same time.?
First here's the formula I used: 16 ounces white mini-marshmallows, 2 to 5 tablespoons water, 2 pounds icing sugar & 1/2 cup Crisco shortening. After melting the marshmallows the directions said to add 3/4 of the sugar and knead it in. After I got the sugar kneaded in I added the rest. That's where I went downhill. By the time I got most/all of the sugar in the smoothness was gone and it seems like it's too dry, but if water is added, no good. If sugar is added, no good. And if more crisco is added, no good. I can knead it so it's smooth on the outside but the inside is all dry. Can anyone give me an idea what I did wrong?
Am I the only one who thinks this is disrespectful? (please read before answering, this is a sensitive topic)?
It's disrespectful, but they don't realize it because they didn't really know him, if you were in their shoes, it'd be just the same. BTW, RIP means rest in peace, it's a respectful thing to say, that's probably why they put a :). One more thing, it's pretty selfish of you to be saying stuff like "they act like they were best friends" At least they act like they care. You need to stop worrying, he's dead that's that, if you cry, you must be crying for yourself, because there's no reason to be crying for him, he's not in pain, he's not sad, he's not regretful, he's dead and there's nothing to bring him back, get used to it, stop feeling sorry for him, he's in a better place now
Why is my bread puffing up so high while baking?
It sounds right to me. Just be sure to cool it completely before cutting and use a serrated knife. If you slice it while it's hot, it will squish down. It should rise above the pan when it is finished.
Why do cats knead soft blankets?
My cat will always knead microplush blankets with his paws and purr then lie down to nap why does he do that?
My cat likes to smell my hair..?
Not eat it or play with it, .. He just looooves to smell it.. He digs his face in it and kneads in it... Regardless of what shampoo I use or if I washed it recently or not.. Anyone know why?
How do you ask a girl out that might be out of you league?
theirs this girl at school that i like. im in high school and i want to ask her out. the problem is im afraid to ask her out. the first reason is i don't really know her well. not personally anyway. second, i get scared and chicken out at the last Minuit. third i don't know what to say or when to say it. do just go out and ask her or should i be her friends first. do i try to Waite until an emotional moment. i knead helllllp
Why do cats knead (slowly claw a solid surface, almost like they're giving a massage)?
Kittens kneed their mothers while nursing to encourage the flow of milk. Its also a habit that some cats keep into adulthood and is a way of showing affection or contentment.
As the light fades,a poem, with suggested changes c/c?
Very good - I like the changes, I hope this finds your lovely wife well and smiling at your side as one day I hope to meet the both of you, God willing!
Camera help please? Ten points will go to best answer?
I was uploading some pictures onto our computer from a camera ( a Sanyo 12.1 mega) and my foot knocked down the camera causing it to unplug before I could safely remove it. Now the camera wont turn on. Any help? Ten points goes to best answer. Thank you. :)
Making bread without a bread machine?
It may have just been a bad batch. After you knead it the second time (knead it for 2-5 minutes), let it rise for about an hour before you cook it. You can cover the pans of dough with a kitchen towel and put them in a slightly warm oven to rise. Just tell the oven to preheat to 350 but stop it after 2 minutes so the oven is warm but the bread won't cook. Put the bread in to rise, then once it has risen, you can take the towels off and cook it.
Time and material is what you need to know to come up with a price.What you feel your time is worth on an hourly basis,times how many hours you worked on your project. Then add to that amount to the cost of materials . That is how you come up with a price to charge someone. If they are as great as you say they are then you rate per hour should be higher ,but if the quality is just so so then the hourlyrate should be lower.
Why aren't my speakers working?
My mom unplugged them to untangle the cords and it looks like they are hooked up right. When I click on the speakers thing it shows they are plugged in. The only thing wrong is that they don't make a sound! Also, when I plug in headphones no sounds comes out either?
How come when I made a separate folder for my voice recordings....?
I plugged my digital voice recorder into the computer and made a separate file for some of the recordings, now when I unplug the usb I can no longer play those files I put into a new folder. but when I plug my recorder back into the computer they are still there - they still show on the drive that pops up as my recorder.
Why have I had a kink in my neck for over 2 months?
It's on the right side, kind of between my neck and shoulder. Sometimes it hurts so much I have to lift my head with my hands to turn over in bed. It's most painful when laying down. I can reach my left arm over to knead the general area and it hurts like hell. Why is it lasting so long?
I need Eraser help. I'm in the market.?
So I'm looking for a really good eraser for erasing mistakes on my art work. I just can't stand having smudges. So I've done some research and it looks like a kneaded erasers are pretty good but im looking for any alternates. I like to have a wide variety of options. So please list any erasers that you like and are working well for you. And please don't say the eraser on the end of a pencil.
What happened to my laptop?
So my laptop stopped working. If I charge it for twelve or more hours it will turn on but only if it's plugged in. If I unplug it I have to charge it all over again. And my wifi isn't working anymore. Anybody know what the problem is?
Do you think my new Christian Rapture avatard is enough to drive the final nail into my Y!Casket?
Do not weep for me minions, the Church of Bipolar Opposition of Our Lady Aquatic Rodent believes in reincarnation.
Does anyone else wiggle they're feet when happy?
I do the same thing !!!! It bothered me at first but not it just relaxes me and helps me sleep!! Your not the only one !! :)
IPod Touch Problems!!!!!!!! Please Help!?
Okay, today i downloaded the new version of iTunes, iTunes 10.3. After downloading it and syncing my ipod, i went on my ipod, and i was trying to go into my pictures, but for some reason, it kept saying updating library. this never happened before, and i waited for some time, but still, it didn't go away. so i unplugged my ipod from the computer, and turned it off. but its not turning off. theres the little circle thing that you get when you slided the red thing to turn it off, but its been there for like, 15 mins now, and it won't go away. i really dont know what to do, and i tried plugging it to the computer, but it says theres an error. im so freaked out, please help!!! thanks!(:
What should I put in my Grandmas casket?
you can write a good bye card and place that in the casket. Or you can just bring flowers to lower with her. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Why wont my 1992 chevy caprice turn on or off and the key is out of the ignition?
i was driving my 92 chevy caprice when i turned it off got out of the car for a minute got back in put in in the start position because i have fuel injection i must wait til it stops beepin and the radio turns on to compleatly start it one i did and tried to start it i had no sound at all. it would not start! or turn off. i unplugged the battery and pluged it back up still nothing but it would not turn off i went and bought an ignition lock we instilled it by the directions it came with i must say it was very difficult and was shown on you tube a total other way to do it my steering wheel is sittin in my back seat because this still didnt work.... PLEASE i need help anyone
Why does my cat do this please read below:)?
she is 5 yrs old and whenever someone spells something she comes up starts purring and kneading why does she do this thanks in advance:)
My wii wont turn on help please?
Um I've unplugged it usually it's the usb wire is unplugged and it was so i plugged it back in still didn't turn on the red light isn't on unplugged everything tv and all still woudn't work i unplugged the other wires plugged in the wii still nothing what can i do to fix it asap please i'll ask my dad soon.
Free Songs in Rock Band: Unplugged?
I just want Know Your Enemy and Bring Me to Life. All I'm asking for. I don't trust the PSN after it got hacked, so if you can hook up your Memory Card to your computer/ laptop and attach the file to an email to me, that would be great. I don't have anything I could give in return, but know that you will make a person happy.
Dell computer won't turn on?
I have a Dell inspiron laptop computer that is approx 2yrs old. It has been having problems recently with freezing up, but runs fine in safe mode. Today, I went to turn it on and it would not turn on at all. I unplugged it, took the battery out and tried to run it using only the a.c cord.. No response. No lights even turn on. HELP!!!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My iHome won't play music or charge my iPod touch 3rd gen?
What should I do? I already updated iTunes, I restarted my iPod, I unplugged my iHome for a while and then plugged it in again and tried again. It still won't work!! The weirdest thing is that it was working earlier this morning, and I came back tonight and it wouldn't charge or play music. Is there something wrong with connectors? Should I bring it back? (Keep in mind I'm not really a tech person...) Thank you SO much for taking the time to read this and answering... I really need help! ;)
Do u not want to die so ur family wont have to go thru the embarrassment of having no1 show up at ur funeral? many empty chairs....just one bouquet of flowers on ur casket from ur mom that was the only one who cared enough to show up....
Should I get this cat? :)?
Get her. Getting a new animal is always worth it and exciting. Those furry balls know how to make our lives better :)
Is there a way to make my cat a lap cat again?
I've had my boy cat now for 10 months! He will be a year old next week. In the first 2 months of having him, he never left my side/my lap. I don't know whether he's more comfortable/confident now in his surroundings, but he's not so much in need of my lap at all apart from sucking/kneading 5 minutes a day then he jumps off! My love and attention hasn't deteriorated since day one. I love him to bits, but he seems cold though he loves play sessions and being petted.
Router not connecting to anything.?
Well let me go into detail. This morning there was a little thunderstorm that knocked out my power for a few minutes but quickly came on then went off in less then 30 seconds. After several minutes passed my power came back on. I tried connecting to the internet but there was no internet connection. I went to my wireless router (NetGear WGR614 v7) and all the LED lights were out. I looked at my modem, all the lights are on except for the Link. I unplugged my router completely and plugged them back in only to be harassed by a ringing noise and still no lights came on. I'm thinking about going to the store and purchasing a new wireless router because I'm not so tech savy and all of my wireless devices are not working (xbox 360, laptops, etc). So, any help will be greatly appreciated and any suggestions for a new wireless router that is good for the 360, and laptops and is below $100 dollars. Thanks
When is caring for parents a bridge too far in reality terms?
a CARER!!!!! how nice my daughter believes the time is now and one needs a looker after all, well one blew his major casket and is still simmering. but one wonders how far is too far for looking after ones parents.when is well meaning a deal too far.
Tranfer problem from camera to computer.?
Never heard of a card reader that doesn't work. Try reseating the memory card in the reader and then making sure the reader is properly plugged into the USB port. If that doesn't work, try plugging the reader into a different USB port. USB ports can die. Finally, I would buy another card reader. Other than a card reader and plugging a USB cable from the camera to the computer, I know of no way to access the folder.
Marrieds, when looking for?
It is the cheaters and the porn complainers and the husbands who can't either provide a pool or thermaspa or can't embrace their fat wives[grow longer arms] who make a mockery out of M&D. The wild bunch keeps the hubands and wives in the family. It is called sharing. They don't know good advice because they can't even figure out how to get out of their parents basement.
Why does our cat drag his toy around while meowing?
He is a three year old DSH tabby, and he has been doing this for about a couple of months. He drags one particular toy (a long tassle on the end of a wand) around the house at any given time of the day, and he seems to prefer doing it in such a way that he is pushing the wand in front of him. He also drags his baby blanket around with him in such a way that he looks like he is about to hump it (as he straddles it while walking), and he also kneads it with his front paws. Why is he doing this? Has he completely lost his mind?
Hey do you Know any good jokes?
a blonde walks up to a vending machine in a store, puts in $1.50, and gets a coke. then she puts in another $1.50 and gets another coke. then the blonde pulls out $3.00 and get two cokes. after four hours, the store clerk walks up to the blonde and asks, "What are you doing? You've been here for hours!" the blonde turned to the man and said, "I'm winning!"
Why is my pizza dough terrible?
This is very simple the reason your pizza dough is terrible is the recipe says to add the salt and the yeast to the water but salt kills yeast because yeast is a living organism. Your water needs to be between 90 degrees F and 115 degrees F. The first step should be to add the yeast to the water then add flour then add salt. If it is to hard let it rest for like 20 min make sure to cover it with a dry kitchen towel.
Should I be worrying about my cat?
Actually... it kind of sounds like he might be humping your blankets. Totally normal. I know a few cats who do the same thing.
My cat is acting...strange ? cat has been very affectionate today, also she has been meowing a lot (she can't be in heat cause she is nursing kittens right now)But she has been rubbing all over boxes and whenever i pet her she crouches and she starts kneading the floor with her back feet ...What do i do about this ? Ive never seen a cat act like this before...
1 Bar on COD: Black Ops?
So, up until 3 days ago my connection on my ps3 has been perfect, I could load youtube videos and play online with no lag at all and now all of a sudden I can't join a game without getting any lag. I've turned off all of my computers and I'm still getting lag. We haven't moved the router or anything and it's around 5 seconds walk from me with no thick wall or anything. I went onto MW2 and I'm still getting a 1bar in every game and private game I join. Anyone know how I can fix it? I've tried unplugging my router.
My magellan roadmate 1475t turned off on me yesterday when I unpluged it and it wont turn back on now.?
My magellan roadmate 1475t turned off on me when i unplugged it from my car charger and now it wont turn back on... any one have any idea whats wrong with it? and anyone know where i can get it repaired?
Why is my router not working right?
it would work fine for like 10 minutes meaning i have internet access. then randomly it says i dont have internet access and i cant go on another page i haev to wait like 5minutes so it can work again but it keeps doing this consecutivly. its getting really annoying. i unplug the router for 10seconds and plug it back in but it still acts stupid its pissing me off.
Why is my computer acting up so much?
How much hard drive do you have left? have you used something like CCleaner to remove temp files etc. how about defragging lately? Did you catch a virus, malware, spy ware? All of this can effect your speed and ability to run programs
A Question about Kneaded Erasers?
Hey guys, I'm an artist and I'm wondering should I buy some Kneaded erasers for my work. I've only ever used regular rubbers from shops and stuff, but I hear of many artists who use kneaded erasers, so my question is, are they able to rub of dark pencil marks? do they rub out well basically? thanks :)
XP Computer locks up with a solid black, yellow, green, or blue screen with no text. Must be powered down.?
I have a dell desktop pc running windows xp pro and it fairly often (daily) will completely lock up and most of the time is a solid black screen. Sometimes it is mustard yellow, bright green, blue or even solid white. Never any text on the screen, numlock is still lit up and won't change, caps lock won't enable, ctrl alt del does nothing. I think even power button stops responding and it has to have power cord unplugged. It had a power supply replaced recently and was doing this before and after, have checked and changed ram out. Windows already is up to date but I also did bios updates and everything available from Dell. Does this sound like a video card problem or cable? I would think it would be windows since the monitor works it just seems like output to monitor is bad, and with keyboard not working make me think it is software related? I'm thinking do fresh install of windows and try that but grabbing at straws to see if someone has had this happen and knows better than me. thanks! let me know if you need other info. also using avast and no problems with viruses lately. also used combofix, and malwarebytes that found nothing. also it will do this under load with programs going, or only logged into windows with no programs open it will do it.
Does "bread machine yeast" work without a bread machine?
I've been using breadmachine yeast when trying to make bread, but it just won't rise enough. Do I need to use a different type of yeast (ie. instant yeast), or am I just not kneading correctly? Here is my ingredient for bread: 1 cup bleached all-purpose flour, 1/2 tsp bread machine yeast, and enough sugar. Do i need to add more yeast? The most rise I could get is like 1/4 (instead of the double size). I knead it for 10 minutes, and i've tried even longer. Is it the yeast or my technique?
This is a morbid question, but how to bugs just appear on a corpse (asked because of Casey Anthony case)?
Flies land on a body and lay there eggs which later turn into maggots. Other insects probably smell there way there or just happen to find it, I honestly don't now, but that is probably right. Yes, a body in a casket can still get bugs in there its just how they help decay the organism and continue the proses of life
Why is my kitten doing this? (Please help me!!!)?
I think my kitten is sick! I got him over a month ago and he is 4 months old. He keeps kneading on stuff, and has not been playing today. He's been really calm and sleeping a lot, he is dehydrated because his nose isn't wet, and his body temperature is above normal, I think he has a fever. He hasn't been eating... This started today, I thought it was because my mom gave him wet "Aristocats" food yesterday, but it's for cats and kittens. A few weeks ago, we saw that something red came out of toosh, I think it was a parasite. Do you think this might be it?
How to erase pencil lines without lifting ink?
Whenever I try to erase the pencil sketch after inking a piece, the ink ends up being lifted along with the pencil. Sometimes the top layer of paper comes off. I use a kneaded eraser in a circular motion when erasing. What should I be doing different? Different paper? Different eraser? Different ink? Combination of the three?
What to do Need help?
By mistake I drop water on my time warner cable box and it see through on top of the cable I out it upright so all the water can drain out of the box at first it wasnt working then I unplug it several times then it started working again the only thing I that the power button for the cable box doesn't work but Istill can turn it on from the controller would it catch on fire or explode and should I get a new cable box
My 1 year old cat suckles herself?
I had posted a question on here a long time ago about my kitten suckling herself, but now she is about a year and she still does it religiously. She sucks her tummy not her sides and she kneads herself and purrs like mad? She has had no problems so im wondering is this just going to be the way she is or will she eventually get over it?
Please do not power off or unplug.... message for the last 3 hours!! Help?
it is nothing to worry about..your computer is installing updates on your computer..if you dont want then just turn off the auto updates start>control panel>system security>windows updates>turn off auto updates..well auto update is a good thing..dont turn off.
Computer processor fan loud?
anytime I'm using my computer heavily, like having multiple programs running at the same time, my processor fan revs up really fast and makes a LOUD noise. it's extremely annoying and I want someone to tell me how to make it stop. I can't just unplug the fan cuz then my processor would burn up. please someone help!!
Situation with taking my daughter to a funeral...?
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of the baby. Very sad. I would not allow my 6 year old to go to the funeral though. I'm not sure they can handle that at that age, and you just don't know what kind of long lasting effect it could have. Here's some more information about whether kids should go to funerals that might be of help to you in making your decision: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
How do I use the yeast in this recipe?
It says instant OR rapid rise yeast. The directions say to add it with 2-1/4 cups of flour, salt, and sugar and mix it, then add the warm water and to add the remaining flour a little bit at a time.
Violent Dreams But Also a Presence from Jesus Dream?
Most dreams to have some type of meaning.....Perhaps these are not dreams but memories of your past like and the way you died.
Monday, August 8, 2011
What state is my uncle in since he was buried in June 2009 and what about everyone else who died in my family?
My uncle passed on May 30th,2009 in the hospital and his funeral was on the 5th of June of 2009 and I myself was one of the pall bearers that asisted in carrying his powder sky blue casket. Anyway all through his funeral service I stared at the casket wondering where is HE at,I know where the physical he is going(in the cemetery grounds) but where is he and everyone else who died in my family. I have heard that when we view the body in the casket that person who left their body is in heaven all ready. I have also heard about people who are alive and loved ones of theirs have visited them. I do not know what to believe.
Should I get this cat?:)?
Hi :) I am a HUGE animal lover! I currently have a 3 yr old Chihuahua (my pic:)), an old (12 yr old) Maine Coon , and an American Short Hair (6ish years)oh yeah, and they're all male. We've had the old cat since he was a kitty, and he is now a grumpy old man!! He has lately been warming up to us a bit more though :) the short hair is just as playful as any kitty, even though he weighs about 20 lbs. :/! He definitely outweighs my Chihuahua, even though he is a pretty big Chihuahua at 10 lbs. The shorthair and the Chihuahua get along pretty well, but the Maine Coon pretty much ignores them, which is ok. sooo... my cousin had to take care of her neighbor's pets and I went over to help. I saw this furry blob under a chair and I crouched down and it immediately came over to me. I let her smell me, and then she wanted to be in my arms! I could tell she was declawed on her front paws :( because she was kneading my neck and nuzzling in my hair :) Most cats get bored of being held and they get wiggly, but she didn’t want to get out at all!! She immediately fell in love with me just like I fell in love with her! Even my cousin could tell!! The cat is already about 7 years old, so I am surprised she is so sweet! Well my cousin’s mom said the owners were looking for a home for her, and I was so excited!! But then I realized, was it just like when you say "oh you can have her!" when someone says they love one of your pets, or do they really not want her? I would like to find out from the owner my self, just in case:) but I don’t think my parents would EVER let me get another cat, because when I go to college in a few years I might not be able to take her (I would try though!) She is a Teacup Persian, and I know I would have to brush her a lot, otherwise she would get mats like she has right now, and she also has the goopy eye thing like my other cat, and I would have to clean that with a warm cloth often. I honestly think I would make her life much better!! OH! And she already lives with 2 poodles and another cat, so she wouldn’t mind my cats(but they might mind her! :/ not sure yet) All of the pets I have ever had I had an immediate connection with them, I don’t know what it is, but when I meet an animal I connect with, I can’t stop thinking about them!! I also work hard if I want an animal, it would never just be handed to me, I always do a lot of research! I would like to know if I should continue to try and convince my parents? I am willing to pay the owners (with my own money, as I have always done for my own animals) if they don’t want to just give her away, and I’ll buy special brushes, toys and stuff :) Would it be a good idea to get her, I really have an amazing connection with her? Any advice would help!! Thank you so much in advance! :) (and thanks for reading so much!!
My computer wouldn't turn on!?
I have a dell inspiron and after running low on charge I plugged it in and let it charge but when I tried turning it on again it wouldn't turn on until I finally unplugged the battery. Now every website I go on it tells me its not recommended for me to continue. Could their be something wrong? Please help me.
Rate my rap please!!!?
trashy beginning, using adjectives leafy, beastly, cocky "im one fantastic thing its your time to get clobbered", So idk, maybe a 5
Family photos of dead people, is this a popular thing?
I've only seen that in movies. In my family, we tend to pretend it never happened. Just have them cremated, stick them in the closet and don't talk about them anymore. I'm not sure which is weirder.
Is my cat normal everyone says she's not?
well she's 4 years old female and she's always letting me pet her belly she actually rolls over and lets me do it!she always starts purring and kneading when i do it and she don't ever want me too stop!is she normal?thanks in advance
Why does my kitten do this? ?
I recently got my male kitten at 6 weeks old he was a hand attacker. then i got his brother at 9 weeks. They are really close now they have stopped all the fighting. But since cat number 2 has come along the cat I got a 6 weeks doesnt attack my hands he just keeps making a chirping noise along with purring whenever I stroke him and rubs his cheeks on me all the time, he also kneads me before lying down then licking me as he is falling asleep. Is he doing this to say she is mine or is it affection? Or am I gonna get sprayed on Any minute lol thanks
Router and internet connection?
hello,my problem is,i have 4 slots on my router 5 if you include the power slot anyhow,im not sure if i need to talk to my internet company ,ok so i have 3 computers all 3 have internet,now i want my ps 3 to have internet as well and thats the 4th slot on the router is the ps3,but the only way it gets internet,if i restart the modem and it takes away one of the computers or what ive been doing so it doesnt take away one of the computers internet,is i just unplug one of the computers and ps3 takes the one i unpluged,so like i said before is this something i should talk to my internet company about or am i doing something wrong.
Why won't my kitten(3 months) stop kneading his paws?
I have 3 cats, they all knead their paws. It's normal. It's to get used to a change. Cats usually knead their paws before they lay on something, to makes sure that the item they are about to lay on is safe. Your cat will probably do this all his life, as my 13 year old cat does. He probably purrs a lot to either show that he likes something, or is nervous about things happening around him. There is no need to worry, it is a cat's nature. You should probably start to worry if he isn't doing this every once in a while. But to summarize, kneading and purring a lot is normal, and almost expected. You and your cat are fine. (:
Are you happy with the person?
Yes, I am absolutely happy with My Sweetheart. Truly, she is my real happiness, I love her the Most.
Is my cat trying to nurse?
My cat does the "cha-cha" on me (kneading with her front paws) and not my husband or daughter. When I lay down, the weirdest thing happens....she starts doing the "cha-cha" on my boobs and sometimes licks my shirt where my boobs are! Does she think of me like her mom and is trying to nurse from me?
Can the hour meter on a 1998 sea ray 230 be unplugged?
Ive read there is an engine meter in the engine compartment that is seperate. is this true?? and does leaving the key in the ignition rack up hours???
Why won't my bread machine knead?
My mother had a similar bread machine and like yours, suddenly stopped kneading. With ours the machine part just wore out and we ended up getting a new one. I'm not sure how expensive the one you have is but ours was a medium ranged priced and lasted a little over a year. My best guess is that the machine is broken. Sad to say but they don't seem to last very long. :( Sorry!
Can butter be used in fondant?
i was wondering if white butter can be used to grease your hands and the marble work area to knead the fondant...
What do I add to my sugarpaste to make it stretchy?
I have bought a coloured sugarpaste to cover a bag cake. I am making a "duffel/tote bag" cake and want to "gather" the icing at the top of the bag slightly to give the appearance of a duffel bag. I want it to stand upright. Will the icing stand on its own once its dry or will I need to knead something else into it before covering the cake?
Please help my nethew spilled water on my Toshiba laptop.?
My nethew spilled a glass of water on my laptop it was fine at first and than after an hour I realized that some letters on keyboard didn't worked so I turned it off and told my brother about it. He told me to unplug it and take the battery out and than he compressed it with air to take all the water out. But when I turned it back on it made a really loud beeping sound and only up and down errow worked. After that I blow dryed it with a fan and than turned laptop up side down and left it over night like that. In a morning I turned it on again and still the same beeping sound and only up and down errows worked. So I wrapped the laptop in a paper towel and placed it in a bag with rice and left it next to the sunny window. Maybe I only made things worse and made a really bad mistake by turning it on after it happened. :( Can somebody please tell will it ever work again maybe somebody had the same problem please help me I'm really worried and scared:((
As each day passes, opinion please?
Very good poem. Even though you did not leave from those that (do this, do that, do the other) but you decided to start a new chapter in your life! You were always within yourself, not with the others! A logical observation upon your verses! A philosophical extension-decision but with the aforementioned inadequacy according to my judgement! I may be wrong, I may be right, but it is something someone may challenge upon his point of view! Plus one more thing: Sorrow is something you very well experienced and nobody accused you of that. Nobody knows why people feel sorrow, and from my world, nobody advertises it. (Or baths in its essence). Another philosophical observation! How would you like my answer if I didn't write all this? Be happy of course, it's a wise choice. Your friend, G.
My Computer flashes different colors every time I play a game. How can I fix this?
I have a touch screen desktop computer and every time I try to play The Sims 2 or roller coaster tycoon or any other game that takes up the whole screen, my computer flashes different colors and I am not able to get out of it unless I unplug my computer. I know that the graphics card is messed up but I have been told that there's no way to fix it. Can someone help me and tell me how to fix it, if it is repairable?
How to make decent pizza dough?
I have been making pizza for a few years now, but I still cannot find a recipe that I am satisfied with. Currently I use bleached all purpose flour with salt, a bit of sugar, active dry yeast, and olive oil. I always. I activate the yeast with warm water with a pinch of sugar and then mix it with the dry ingredients. Afterward, I mix and knead the dough for about 10 minutes until it is elastic, cover it lightly in olive oil and then let rise for about an hour or until it is doubled. I punch the dough down, lightly knead and then flatten the dough with my hands. I pre heat a pizza stone to 450 degrees and cook with toppings and cheese for about 30-35 minutes. My problem is my dough always comes out either undercooked or like a brick. My question is, what am I doing wrong with the pizza that the texture never quite feels like it does at a restaurant? What can I do to make the dough fluffy and yet fully cooked inside without being a brick on the outside?
How to make a zebra print fondant cake?
Ok, I am making a cake for my daughters 4th b-day party. This is my 1st fondant cake and I watched a video on youtube that told me how to make marshmallow fondant. But she used marshmallow creme instead of melting the marshmallows. Any ways I also have seen that you can just use a pizza cutter to cut the zebra stripes but the way that I seen was you put down grease on the surface and then knead the fondant then roll the fondant and then cut the fondant. My point is the fondant seems to get really greasy and shiny and it gets pretty soft. Every time I roll it out and go to cut it, it sticks to the counter. If someone could just give me really good details on how to do it I would really, really appreciate it! Thank you!
Sculpey is too soft and won't hold shape, how can I make it less pliable?
I've used Sculpey many times before, so I know that this isn't how it's supposed to be. It gets too soft after less than a minute of gentle kneading. Is there a way to make it a bit more firm so that I can add details?
Any ideas for cause or possible remedies? Got a MSI k9agm2 motherboard in old dell case with amd 3.2 dcore?
proc , pciexspress vid powered with bluestar 650w atx sata.. About 7 or 10 mins after boot shuts down and only restart after unplug ac cable.. Proc doesn't seem hot and two fans on vid card but still shuts down. Any input much appreciated.
Help me please! Web-cam won't connect after force shut down with power button?
I had to force shut down my computer while on skype with my web-cam and now my web-cam won't connect to my computer. my web-cam is built into my computer so i can't unplug it. i need help asap please!
What do you think of bread machines? Of the bread that they make?
Well,I am not fond of bread machines myself.The bread is not near as good as the old fashion doing it by hand loaves of bread.It taste better the texture is better and ohhh the satisfaction..yummy Nothing smells or taste better huh?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Helppp my kin two m wont charge?
well i was in new york yesterday, and i plugged my phone into a wall socket of a basement bedroom i was staying in. this morning, i unplugged it and it was completely dead! when i got to the airport, i plugged it in to one of those terminal electric socket booths, and it refused to charge. i boarded my flight, and when i got back to LA, it STILL refuses to charge! i took out the battery and put it back in and all that, and it still wont charge. :PP anyone know whats going on??
Pc won't turn on. PLZ help!?
I started downloading a pretty big file off of the Internet ( 7 GIGS ) and then I left my house to go see a movie and get some dinner. It was about 6 hours before I got home. When I got home my PC was on the Dell boot up screen and was not making any progress. So I unplugged it plugged it back in unplugged all the extensions restarted it and everything, and it still won't boot up. Will some one please help me. Its a PC running Windows 7 by the way.
Why are my cinnamon rolls tough and dry?
I have been using a bread machine to help me make cinnamon rolls. I know the yeast is good. The dough raises once in the machine, I take it out, knead it a little, then rest it a little, then roll out a rectangular shape, and sprinkle on the cinnamon and so forth, roll it up tightly, and slice thick slices and let raise for 45 more minutes. Then I bake them at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. The rolls turn out very lightweight, barely brown on top, and tough, especially once they cool off. I use a sweet bread recipe I found on the internet, even use an egg in it. I want a cinnamon roll like Paneera Bread Company makes...tender, heavyish, melt in your mouth, not tough and chewy. Any ideas?
I have the standard Direct TV box in my room but it won't let me watch anything and says Channel Not Purchased?
I have the standard Direct TV box in my room but it won't let me watch anything and says Channel Not Purchased in a blue box in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. And yes it was working before it just stopped working but the TV in the other room is still working so I don't know what to do. Any help or suggestions? I already unplugged it and plugged it back in, took out the card and pressed the reset button (multiple times) so none of that works.
Is it possible to have an external hard drive connected to a Wii and a computer at the same time?
I am trying to connect an external hard drive to my Wii and my computer at the same time so that I don't have to unplug from one to connect to the other. Is this at all possible?
I have an infected cut. How do I get rid of it?
It's a very small wound. My cat was kneading me and pushed too hard, breaking the skin. The wound is literally just a prick. However, the skin around the wound is swollen and deep red, and the scab is yellow-green. It hurts to touch it, and I get "hot flashes" down my entire finger. There's also a slight smell coming from it. Because of this, I'm pretty positive that it's infected. How do I get the infection out? I've been using google and getting mixed results. According to google, I should avoid getting it wet, but soak it four times a day. I should let it get plenty of air, but keep it bandaged. I should kept the scab intact, yet pick it off. I'm so confused as to what advice to follow. Any ideas?
What should I do about this long-time teenage troublemaker in neighborhood?
Let his parents get to know a policeman in the area. That usually scares the minors into acting more accordingly.
Need help emergency ?
By mistake I drop water on my time warner cable box and it see through on top of the cable I out it upright so all the water can drain out of the box at first it wasnt working then I unplug it several times then it started working again the only thing I that the power button for the cable box doesn't work but Istill can turn it on from the controller would it catch on fire or explode and should I get a new cable box
Do I need to unplug my (fat) xbox 360 from the wall before I take out the hard drive?
Im going to my friends house soon and i need to know if my hard drive can be taken out with the power plug still in. I have heard different things about this and i just wanted some help with that.
I think my directv dvr is interfering with my internet connection when it's plugged into my router.Anyone help?
I have Cable Internet to a modem, then goes to a router which has my 2nd computer and the directv dvr plugged into it hardwired to those devices with ethernet cords, Internet was working fine until a few nights ago I went onto my second computer and deleted my avira antivirus and added Glary utilities, I was going to download some kind of antivirus from windows but gave me some kind of error so iI changed my mind, then the next day, my main computer didn't work, I did all troubleshooting, reset modem and comp and comp check cables, then called internet company they said that my router was bad, so I hooked up a different router and brand new ethernet cables also, on bottom left of pc the thing that shows you if its connected to internet, showed a ciorcle like it was trying to connect, then a red x, kept on doing this, disabled lan made sure the autamattically detec fileds were checked, then enabled, the internet worked for a minute, then kept with the circle and red x, when I opened naetwork and conenction center said public setting, so I changed to home network, worked for a few minutes, then stoped working, then everytime I would try something new, it kept going back to public network (which I don'yt want), I eventually hooked my main pc to computer, but I wanted to use it, and I heard somewhere dvr might mess internet up, so I unplugged dvr, and reset, now works fine, for a couple hours already, is there a way I can fix this? Is this whats causing the issue? Any ideas, I'd like to have access to internet on dvr also.I even restored pc to previous date before this happened and It didn't give me my antivirus back or it still didn't work.Thanks
Why does my cat/kitten keep nudging me in the groin with his nose?
He does this while purring and kneading, and it also seems like he's licking too. What does it mean?
Acer Aspire 5551 "N" key taken off?
Last night, I was running a full virus scan and decided to go to bed after I started it. My cat thought it would be a good idea to knead my keyboard, and the "N" key came off with it. ;-; I have all of the pieces to put it back on, but it won't go back on. When I found the "N" key, the two plastic pieces that connect to the keyboard were on the key itself... I've tried so many ways to put them back on the keyboard, but I can't seem to get them on correctly. :( Any help?
Is this normal???? 10 points best answer?
the past couple of days i've randomly been blurting out weired stupid things... That are weired like well be talking abouut a funeral and i'll be like'imagin if someone put a bomb in the body and someone open the casket and it blew up in everyones face'... After i say it im like why the hell would saaay that?? I dont even realise im talking till im not yssually like this every is it normal???
Why does my kitten knead and lick at the comforter?
There's an area of my dad's bed comforter where the thin top layer of fabric is ripped open, and my kitten loves to go there, knead around it, and licks the strips of fabric for several minutes until it's pretty wet. His cute little muscles are very tense when he's doing this. Why would he like doing that so much? He doesn't lick anything else around the house for excessive amounts of time.
Why does the Catholic church say Mary is God?
I agree, I believe the worship of Mary is ordained by the Catholic church and it is veiled Goddess worship. It is dark Eve, Diana, Isis, or one of the other countless names of the feminine Satan.This is why I believe the Catholic church will be part of the Harlot Religion Babylon in Revelation.
I have a question for atheists.?
I have never detected Gregory Mendel. The only evidence I have of his existence are written materials about him and his research and a photograph of him. The photograph might be a computerized fake, the writing may be forged. So until I go to his grave and look into the open casket, should I have a policy of not believing in him?
What is the result of over-kneading bread dough ?
When making bread you should always use live yeast. If you over-knead your dough it wont stretch properly, the consistency will be terrible.
Why do people reefer America as the land of opportunity, (The American Dream)?
Because they are without knowledge and don't understand that America started out on the wrong foot and never corrected it.
How is closing a toddler's bedroom door at night wrong?
There is nothing wrong with it. I am sure that their room is safe and I have yet to see a door that is sound proof from a childs cries. I honestly think it is safer then letting them wonder the house or even sneak out when you are busy doing something else. It is nearly impossible to watch a child every second of the day and this could help keep them contained in their own little safe area while you sleep at night or cook a meal or do a chore. I have 4 kids and they are all in bed at night, in their own beds, lights off, door shut and they are all safe, happy and healthy. Do whats right for your house, if you arent putting your children in harm, it is noone elses business! Good luck!
What to expect at a funeral and viewing?
I am 20 years old, and I've been quite fortunate to not have had to go to a funeral yet in my life. Last Friday my Aunt that I was very close with killed herself, and the viewing is tomorrow. What should I expect? It is open casket and I am afraid to see, but I think I will anyway. What should I wear? And any other tips please be sure to tell me. Thank you
Acer Aspire 5580 laptop problem?
Several months ago, my Acer Aspire 5580 laptop screen stopped displaying anything. I figured out everything was working except the screen because when I attached it to external monitor, it worked. Since I find buying a new screen costly and impractical for an old laptop I just decided to attach it to an external monitor permanently, disabling the internal monitor. A week ago, my laptop suddenly hanged. So I just unplugged it and it works again. But afterwards, it hanged again until one day after the hang and unplugging, I tried to open but it doesn't boot properly anymore. The lights turn on and I could hear the fan works, but it won't boot at all. What should I do? Can I still repair it?
Just a couple of questions about my kitty!?
Its normal. He likes u. Pouncing on your face is fine too. He just wants to play. Hey next time u post a question dont put the words question about my kitty in the title. I got excited, n then quickly disappointed when i read about a cat. Next time i'll sue u 4 false advertisement. Lol!
Full tilt poker 'trying again' ( to connect)... The Internet works though....?
I have been this situation George but the problem used to always be that I had to unplug the 'rooter' ( or whatever it's called) than plug it back in, but obviously that doesn't work because the wifi isent the problem.... Please help?! Thanks
Kneading and first litter size?
Kneading is a sign of thinking of you like a mommy. It is done to calm the cat. They will sometimes do it purely out of affection but purring and rubbing on you is a more common sign of affection. Since your cat is pregnant, her hormones are changing while she gets ready to give birth. A cat litter can be as little as 1 kitten up to as many as 10 kittens. Five is average. I had a cat in a similar situation last summer and she had 4 kittens. Technically you can spay the cat while she is pregnant but it aborts all of the kittens. A lot of vets are willing to do it due to the overpopulation of cats and the fact that a lot of kittens end up at the pound and put to sleep. A cat under a year old is at more risk health wise giving birth than an older cat. Since you seem to have chosen to let her have the kittens, make sure you feed her well now and after she gives birth so she has the best chance of having healthy kittens
Kitten dry nursing HIMSELF-normal or no?
Got a male kitten about one week ago, but he is two months old. He dry nurses nothing else but himself. He purrs while doing so and does the kneading thing with his paws, so that indicates he's not hurting himself, right? I haven't had a cat since I was very young and not sure what to make of this. Should I make him stop, if so how? Thanks guys.
Help with my Assassin's Creed game?
Unfortunately, with how flimsy Microsoft has built the hardware that keeps the game in place while its being read, many people have had the same problem. There is unfortunately nothing you can do for that disk now, you have to get a new one to play AC.
2006 Dodge Caravan oil light stays on?
Most cars have an oil pressure switch or similar part. Other Chrysler/Dodge cars have been known to have a faulty oil pressure switch. Replace this switch and your issue should be fixed. If it is not, further diagnosis is required.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
When somebody dies and is resurrected to heaven what form are they?
We only know that we shall have a "glorified" body, which most of us believe will be spirit, having been freed from this poor physical environment. Yes, Jesus was raised with His physical form because He still He still had to appear to His followers and demonstrate His resurrection.
Can I take pizza dough out of my bread machine before the timer goes off?
I just bought a bread machine and used a pizza dough recipe and the timer started at 1 hour and 20 minutes. The dough was completely kneaded after about 10 minutes. Could I take it out then or should I wait until the timer goes off?
Dish Network Reciever.?
I was cleaning my room and I was moving wires and cables around. I think I accidently unplugged a cable from my reciever. I think I plugged it in the right place but when I turned the TV on it is on the screen that says it is aquirering sattelites and it won't change from a 0 out of 5 progress complete.
Bread recipe requires electric mixer. Can I substitute doing it by hand and get equal results?
I am making a bread recipe a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a it tells you to use a mixer with a bread attachment and I don't have that kind of mixer. I made bread before but not the kind that required kneading and rising. I would like to know if I hand mix the bread if it will do harm to the recipe. I know in the past no one used a mixer for bread so I don't seemed worried though I would like some feedback
Windows 7 will not load!!!! Need help please?
I have a HP laptop and when I try to turn it on it would not load windows. It would show HP Invent and Intel inside them a cursor on the black screen the usual. Then nothing happens. The windows logo does not appear. I already tried setting the BIOS to defaults. I have tried to get it open in safe mode and nothing happened. I have tried to get the laptop to run system recovery but it wont even run that. I also hard taken the battery out unplugged from wall help on power button for a minute to try to reset it. This is not may computer I am trying to fix it for a friend as far as I know it has no backup disks either. The fan is also running. Any actual help would be nice thanks
TV Brightness Issues?
sounds like you have a micro crack in the circuit board as the TV heats up the micro crack expands and the circuit is broken causing whatever resistor or capacitor to be out of circuit then as it cools the circuit contracts and contact is made again..soldering in the right spot may solve the problem temporarily but in time the crack will develop again....
A/C in the house went out and the aquarium water is getting HOT FAST! HELP!?
Today this stupid Texas weather took a tole on our A/C and it quit working. Now the upstairs in somewhere roughly around 85+, I have a 29 gallon aquarium with 2 Black Convict Cichilds. The water is reading between 82 and 81. Right now I took the light fixture off the top and have a fan blowing across the top of the water to try and cool it down. I still have the heater plugged in but it's not on in the aquarium as it has a sensor and maintains the water at 76. I had two LED pointed in the aquarium water for viewing purposes but I have since unplugged them. Is there anything else I can do to cool down the water as I do not want to lose my fish!? The A/C man is not going to be able to make it out till tomorrow morning or afternoon what should I do until then?
Affection by my cat ?
ive homed a cat from cats protection she was found wondering a village and was attacked by many toms as they told me and could have possibly been run over by a car .. they told m that shes in between 1 - 4 years of age.. she kneads me all the time, lays on my chest and sleeps next to me or near me she follows me nea enough every where in the house i was just wondering if this meant that she is content with me . another thing i was thinking of letting her outside within the next few days as she seems to be making her own entertainment and often dazes looking out the window so i thought it would be a good thing to let her out but i want to know others opinions ???
RHH: Till the Casket Drops or The Hunger For More?
Till The Casket Drops, cause I really think Hunger For More is a bit overrated, though still good. There's only like 2 bad songs on Casket Drops, but there's quite a few average and even medicore songs on Hunger For More.
"No signal "keeps popping up on my computer?
i'l be playing a game and this only happens when im playing the game and the monitor just goes blank and "no signal" pops up. i checked all the wires everythings plugged in correctly and i even unplugged the entire computer and held the power button for a minute (said to do that in another thread) and t still doesnt work, ugh seriously ts so frustrating! i have a windws 7 PLEASE HELP like no joke :(
What is wrong with my cars subwoofer system?
I have two pioneer 12s in a ported box both are 1000watts max and i have a massiv amp that runs 800watts rms its a mono amp so it has one output. i have had the system connected to both subs before and i has run fine with no problems at peak performance of 800 watts rms but once i took the subs and amp out only for a trip where i needed trunk space n when i put the subs back in i plug back in the second sub and they both power onto like a super low bass sound not like at their normal levels where they hit loud. When i unplug one of the subs the other will work perfectly fine at optimal performance. what could i have done wrong during hook up to have them both not work? what could i do to make them both work at peak levels? in my ported box which i had them in the entire time.
Problem with audio HD manager (vista)?
Okay, so i Go to change my HD audio settings for my MIC. And what i do is try to change the Decibels on my mic to make the recording louder. But if i change my DB to +10. My HD audio manager goes wacko. keeps acting like i am unplugging and plugging my mic and headphones in and out witch i am not. Any fixes on this anyone?
My HP G60 laptop screen has gone black...sound still comes on, but no picture. Is there a way to fix it?
Yesterday my daughter was on YouTube watching some videos and the computer screen went black and shut down. I assumed it had overheated or something so we just kept it off for the rest of the day. When we went back to turn it on it booted up just fine, but the screen was totally black. No picture at all. I ended up taking the battery out and unplugging the power cord then plugging it back in and turning it on and it was fine. When I was done using it I powered it off rather then letting it hibernate and came to turn it on this morning and the black screen was back (sigh)....did the same steps as before and it came back on, and now I am here! I have been searching like crazy but I am not very techy and don't understand a lot of what I am reading!....Any help would be appreciated!!
Making a pizza dough, what do I do with the yeast?
Yes, you mix a spoonful of sugar with the yeast and liquids, in a small cup. It's been a long time since I baked bread, so I forgot for how long. Just don't mistake the yeast mixture for a cup of coffee, as it becomes a potent alcohol.
What's it like being a baker at Red Lobster?
i bet those biscuits they make are pre made.. frozen.. and oven ready.. they come straight out a box
The music industry today?
Short answer: If you don't like something on TV, turn the channel. Sleep at night, instead of watching TV. Don't 'disallow' things just because you personally have a problem with it. Who knows if your idea of a "positive message" is the same as someone else's "positive message"?
Friday, August 5, 2011
What is the best kitchen appliance for kneading dough?
I would like something that I could use 2-3 times a week and not have to worry about it burning out.
How can I get my computer to connect to the internet?
My laptop says that the wifi is unavailable so I scanned for networks but it wouldnt even come up with the usual list. I also tried using the repair but it didnt work. I clicked on diagnose problem and it couldnt find anything. This happend once before about three weeks ago. So I unplugged it and waited a week, after the week it started working again. Whats wrong with my computer? I would wait a week and repeat what I did before but I need my computer tonight. How can I connect to the wifi?
Why does my cat knead? ?
Every cat I've ever had sit on me knead (and that's quite a few!). Kneading starts when they are kittens, as kittens kneaded their mother to help the milk flow more freely. Kneading is learnt very young, so it is natural that this behaviour is carried on throughout adult-hood. Cats tend to knead when they are happy and content on their owners (kind of like a seond mother) lap.
What are these contacts called?
I saw a video made by a youtuber Meekakitty and the video was called "dont unplug me". She was wearing these awesome contacts that made her eyes look almost like an anime character but i searched anime eye contacts and none of them looked the same as hers. Thanks
Router randomly stops working?
my router is linksys wrt54g . he randomly stops working, all the lights on him are on but the PC doesnt connect with internet. this started when i turned my phones wi-fi but now its off and still router randomly stops the internet, and to fix it i have to unplug it and plug it again. please help!!!
Why does my cat lick and knead me?
It seems like she feels really comfortable and trusting around you. You must have bonded with her when she was a younger kitten, because it seems like she's really fond of you. It's cute though, she's claimed you as her human lol. Keep cuddling her!
Weird cat behavior??? help?
My cat is a 6yr old neutered male cat. He will be happy kneading my leg purring and rubbing his face on my hand then all of a sudden he will bite my hand. Hard. I just wonder if this is normal? I mean he has done it a bunch of times. So is this normal?
Y&R .. Did I seriously see Victor throw Diane out of the back of an ambulance?
Just caught a glimpse of a promo... I heard Diane telling Victor she's pregnant that caught my attention and I looked at the tv and think I saw him toss her out of the back of an ambulance much the same way he shoved Adam's casket off the back of that plane LOL WTF???
Help!!! i got a eraser stuck in my butt!!!!?
so i was masturbating and i got a little frisky and i wanted to butt experiment, so i got one of those kneaded erasers and started messin around and it got a little intense and it got sucked up in there. my parents will be home in an hour and i cant tell them what happened!!! what should i do!!!!
I need help with my wireless internet?
I have an airport extreme base station wireless router. Before that I had the plain old linksys router that nearly every store has. When I was using the linksys router, every device in our house connected to the internet. Now however, with a much more capable router, some of our devices will not connect to the internet. We have 2 ipod touches, two MacBooks, a nook color and a ps3. currently, the two ipods and two computers will connect, but the nook and the ps3 will not. For instance if i unplug the router, then the ps3 will work, but one of the macbooks will not. we often have to reset the router each time we want a device to run, but that should not be the case. Each device has the correct password saved on them and has connected to the internet at least once in the past week. It is getting really frustrating. Any ideas?
My Fanatasy SmackDown!(Rate Show)?
I think it was pretty good!!!!! alot better then what wwe has aha(: i loved it all with the exception of match 3 lmao(: but i rate it 8.5/10
How do I cut off my PS3?
It's a 160GB ps3 and I got it 3 days ago. It has no power switch. I always unplug it. Even if I try to cut it off on the far right a little red light stays on. Is that what it's supposed to do?
I Wish I Were Dead. What can I do?
I really do. My life sucks really bad. Everytime something good happens, something worse happens and ruins my happiness. Seriously if I had a gun, I would kill myself because I tried pills and they never work. I just wish I could lie in my bed forever but I can't. If I were dead, I would be in a casket stress free. People wouldn't mourn for long. In a month things will go back to normal and everyone will forget about me ..
Why is it important to knead yeast dough?
After adding the flour anytime i make the yeast dough it appears that if i mix it will be too tough! Recipes ask to knead for 4-5minutes. I'm sure i'm measuring right but the recipes never come out correctly.
Weird dreams about deceased father?
My dad passed away Dec 21, 2010 at the age of 50. I was only 20 when he unexpectedly died. Now I have weird dreams a few times a month about him and they are all the same. I dream that he passed away and I see him in his casket. Then a few weeks later he is alive and well and I want to tell him the pain I went through seeing him lifeless in a casket but I get too choked up about it to talk to him about my pain. So in my dream I just go along as if eveything is normal but im in a lot of pain even though he is alive again. I've had several dreams exactly like this.
Laptop Charger turns off when I put it into the laptop?
My laptop charger's light turns off whenever I plug it into my laptop, I'll unplug it from my laptop and the wall, then plug it back into the wall and the light comes back on, but it turns off whenever I get it plugged into my laptop, please help
Vizio TV turns off with use of PS3, why?
I have a 1080p 47 inch Vizio TV, it's a great TV except at some times when I'm using my PS3 (hooked up with a really good HDMI cable) the TV will turn off. It only does it when the screen goes black on the PS3, like during a loading screen or when I quit a game. And I can't just turn turn the TV back on, I have to unplug it then turn it back on. It isn't IR interferance because I blocked the IR port and it still turns off. Please help!
Why does my kitten so this?
I recently got my male kitten at 6 weeks old he was a hand attacker. then i got his brother at 9 weeks. They are really close now they have stopped all the fighting. But since cat number 2 has come along the cat I got a 6 weeks doesnt attack my hands he just keeps making a chirping noise along with purring whenever I stroke him and rubs his cheeks on me all the time, he also kneads me before lying down then licking me as he is falling asleep. Is he doing this to say she is mine or is it affection? Or am I gonna get sprayed on Any minute lol thanks
Ge side by side refridgerator quit cooling?
i have a ge side by side refridgerator that just quit cooling. i unplugged it . in the past the ice maker would quit so i unplugged it for several hours and when plugged back up would start. can a fridge freeze up ? and lets hope this helps !! any suggestions ?? both sides have quit cooling ???
Is gluten free bread more hygienically prepared than normal bread?
I've noticed that gluten free bread takes very little 'hand'ling compared to normal bread, as the mixture doesn't require kneading.
Does 'kneading' the dough increase the gluten content of it?
Does 'kneading' the dough increase the gluten content of it? For example, would no-knead bread contain less gluten than regular bread and thus pose a greater threat to those with gluten intolerance?
I have a couple question about cooking and food stuff :)?
You should ask this question in the Homework Help section, or, you should make it clear that you need help with your homework. All of your questions can be easily answered with a bit of research on your part. Don't be so lazy.
How does a girl react during kiss?
i want to know how a girl would react when kissd in her lips for a long time. when i kissd my grl for the first time,she breathd heavily and she also made me knead her belly. is it common only or ours went beyond t limit? pls i expct a prpr answer....
What wormer can i use for a dog still brest feeding pups?
what wormer can i use for a dog still brest feeding pups as i rescued a ***** and found out unexspectidly she was pregnant(now given birth) but she raily kneads worming what over the counter wormer can i use
My cats and my housecoat !!!?
This may sound weird but I have a housecoat that I wear and when I have it on my cats go mad for it only the right side of the collar they purr really loudly and knead it claws go in and out and they look as if they are in in heaven when it is laying on my bed they cry for me to put it on this as been going on since that wonderful day they came to us at 8 weeks they are now 2 years and they still love it
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Is it actually possible for Undertaker vs HHH @ WM 28 to top their match @ WM 27?
Sorry, have you seen Undertaker recently. Do you want him to die for real. Come on, this is real life. I'd rather him not do that simple for his own personal health.
Why do they place a pillow in your casket and make it all comfy?
haha! Well... really I don't know but its for the people dead to be nice when they die? U dont wanna just throw them in a casket, u never kno! Come back to life and such? lol. But anyway, its nice. I guess what is you want, you should have~!
Chris Jericho or Triple H?
undertaker vs HHH for the third time at WM? i think the fans want someone different. how about Y2J?!? dude is very talented and can pull of the huge upset if he wants.
Ps3 tv color help. Needs to be color not black and white?
I turned on my ps3 and the screens in black and white. I unplugged everything and plugged it back in. What could be the problem. Th cords and in the right way and the TV's plugged in
Cant install windows 7?
I cant install windows 7 due to a unbootable disk. I reformatted the hard drive but that didnt seem to do anything. When i boot from the cd the screen just stays black. Then when i unplug the sata cord to the HD it will boot from the cd. Anybody have any ideas thy this is happening?
Why is my cat so strange?
One of my cats in a 12 year old boy and he's also a big baby. He was abandoned by his mother as a kitten and when he was found near death in an old farm house he was taken to a foster home where we got him (he was about 6 weeks). He is sooo needy, he is constantly kneading his paws on my bed like a little kitten, if he's ignored for just a short while he goes into a sulk and hides in a closet somewhere. A few years ago we didn't pay much attention to him for a couple of days (not intentionally) and he got so depressed that he stopped eating and couldn't even stand up properly, we thouh he was sick. As soon as we began loving him up he immediately got better. I love him to bits but sometimes it's just annoying when we have to go somewhere for a few days and can't take the cats, we worry that he's going to be miserable the entire time. Does anybody else have cats like this?
External Hard drive troubles ?
My external hard drive fell off my desk while it was on. Now I ask you to read the WHOLE question before answering please. I plugged it in the first time and it made the clicking sound...I got worried. I unplugged it, and finally it worked and it was recognized, but I could not access my data without formatting it. I found some software, disc needed to be formatted so I tried to do that, and it keeps failing at the very last bit. The data on this external is VERY precious to me, but I am a college student and I don't have hundreds of dollars to get this thing fixed. Does anyone have any advice to remove the data? I Can always get another external....I can't replace my family pictures.
My toshiba regza flat panel LCD tv wont turn on?? HELP!?
I pushed the power button on my remote and this blinking orange light labeled dvd went off. I retaliated by putting a dvd in the disc slot and nothing happened. Now the dvd wont come out! Its not turning on and the blinking light wont stop. I've tried unplugging the tv and when I plug it back in the same thing happened. Please help!!!
Why is my cat kneading and biting my cushion and cardigan?
I have a 6 1/2 month bengal who has starting kneading again. I understand the concept of this and she'd still do it routinely to get comfy but the past few days its been different. Its a lot more clawry (yes not a real word) and theres biting and its a more prolonged, slow and concentrated action. She is also purring and only does it on my sleeping cushion and cardigan both of which she buries her face in and has a good sniff. Im not sure how to take this, does she feel unloved, is she mad at me about something? In between this its like we're joined at the hip, so im a bit confused.
Is it just me or do fewer people in this generation know how to cook many things?
There are so many newer and faster ways of doing things these days, I don't think a lot of people feel the need to know how to cook.
Brown discharge but no period help?
Ok so I recently got kneaded in the pelvic area and it hurt really bad I had a burning sensation for a while and that area was soar the next day this happened two weeks ago now I have brown discharge for about a week now no blood when I wipe it is brown as well I'm not Shure whatsgoing on can anyone help??
Joan of Arc "activity"?
For a history project, I need to do a "demonstration" of something she did. For example, if you were a baker, you could make bread, or knead dough. If you were a queen, you could play games, since they played a lot of games. What could I do for Joan of Arc? Prefferably something easy??
What reallly happens at the end of the movie BURIED?
at the end of the movie as Paul is about to be rescued the man on the phone says "im so srry... you lead us to mark." earlier on the film the very same guy trying to rescue him tells him that he has saved a man named Mark white. i know the man did it on purpose so Paul can have a sense of hope, but WHAT I DONT GET is how he lead them to Mark. i mean how did that happen... how did he lead the rescueres to a wrong place. ( also there is this theory that the rescuers actually do find paul but look at the other side of the casket and thought "wait mark white was here." by the time he can respond to this remark, his head is BURIED inside the sand:(( ) im not convinced with that possible ending... soooo what do yoouuuu think??:))
How should I help with my husband's injury?
Well, he is hurtin for certain. Don't take it personally if he's not "in the mood" for a few days. If he will accept your ministrations, an ice pack is what the doctor would recommend. His ego may also be bruised. Your kindness and understanding will not be wasted. If his sense of humor is intact, you might get him a "cup" as a gag gift!
Dell PowerEdge 1600SC?
Here is the thing, i plugged the server into my monitor and it will go into standby (yellow light) when i unplug you get the normal (no pc connected message)....I also tried my bravia tv which is hooked up to my pc via vga cable and it kept saying no pc connection. So i asked a friend and he sent me a video card for the server, (not sure anything about the card) thinking maybe it was the integrated port. It put it in and it still does the same thing. The connection to both the monnitor and the computer is vga...any ideas?
Is this a good novel opening?
I actually quite like it! I've read way too many stories with funerals described like 'lonely chasms of black misery'. It's not very effective anymore -_-^
How would a funeral home handle this?
What is done in the case if the deceased has been decapitated, missing limbs, completely mangled etc? Is there a way to fix the body in order to give an open casket at a visitation/funeral or would it be grounds for mandatory cremation or something like that? I know this is a strange and dark question but its always been one of those things I've been curious about and its something I've never had the nerve to ask because lets face it, this isn't exactly a pleasant topic and it can be unsettling to people. I've heard so many different stories about how this situation is handled so I'm just curious to know.
What should i wear to a visitation? funeral?
someone in my freshman class passed away (he was only 14). i was thinking about wearing this black lacy skirt with a black longsleve and black flip flops to the funeral but idk what i am expected to wear to the visitation (where they have the open casket) and is it appropriate to have black nail polish? i already have it on and i dont really want to take it off.
Am I an a$$ho.le for not wanting to attend a funeral?
Could be but as we grow up there are some things we have to do even if we don't want to. You could just attend the viewing and not the funeral or if seeing her really bothers you then I would suggest doing something in remembrance of her like donating to the cancer society or an organization that she loved. Many times people don't want to tell loved ones about their cancer especially if it is found too late. people grieve in different ways but I see what your saying about mooching.Whatever you do,support your mom and let her know you care about her. Speaking or not she must have meant something if she agreed to speak at the funeral. I get what you're saying funerals most definitely suck.
Is the use of "rise" and "raise" correct in this poem?
Your raise should also be rise; raise is a transitive verb and requires a direct object, whereas rise is intransitive and does not.
IPod touch question...?
Okay so I have the iPod touch 4g. It's fairly new, not even a year old. I got it at christmas. It only has one tiny crack in the screen. You can only see it if you look really closely. So my problem is that recently when I try to unlock it, it freezes. Only for about 30 seconds and starts to work. Usually when I unplug it does I for 50-60 seconds. Has this happened to you? Should I take it to the apple store? Please help. Thanks in advance!!! :)
Can playing ps3 break a plasma tv ?
We bought a new plasma couple months ago and recently someone is going to be sleeping in my room and illness sleeping in the living room.I was playing my ps3 on it then when I almost got a 9000 kd on black ops my dad unplugged it and told me i was going to break it. I tried sooo hard not to scream at him but he yelled at me then I called him a dumbass and I was grounded in the living room but he forgot I had an iPod.
Why does hand-kneaded bread taste so much better than bread kneaded by a machine?
If you were to bake four loaves of bread, and you do the mixing and the baking the same way for all the loaves, but two you knead by hand and two you knead using a machine, the two done in the machine is lighter, but the two done by hand are tastier. Why is this?
My pc wakes up instantly after putting it to sleep.?
sounds like the hibernation/sleep is being overridden by a signal from the tv, to fix this check the settings in sleep mode and dissable. Also check the bios, there may be a wake on lan setting set that is being triggered by the tv, dissable this and try again.
Question about baking?
Jane, been looking over your question, then the Additional. Personally I feel it would be a waste of ingredients.
My hard drive is clicking?
My computer was working fine until i drove all the way to my brothers house with my computer. I started it up and my hard drive was making this clicking noise. I couldnt get to my desktop. One of my brothers friends unplugged some cords, tried some stuff and then just plugged everything back in and deduced that my hard drive has failed me and i needed a new one. However, i tried turning it on again and now my computer is working fine. Earlier today i was on my computer and i heard it click once. Everything froze and i couldnt do anything. Then after a few seconds everything resumed working order. Id hate to think that this hard drive is bad since this is a new computer. Could it be doing this because its too hot in my brothers room? Is it "the click of death"?
Voodoo dolls found in casket....?
Today, my grandfather's remains were dug up 50 years after his death. The reason was to place his remains with that of his wife, my grandmother. In his casket was found 10 bottles with what appeared to be voodoo dolls and papers in each. The only legible word on the papers were our family's last name. We think the ten bottles may represent his 9 kids and wife. What does this mean, how could this happen, why would someone do this? Is it witchcraft, a spell, or curse? Does anyone have any clue?
Audacity controls grayed out?
whenever i use audacity and try to change the recording to stereomixer so i can record whats coming out of my speakers, the window is grayed out and i cant click on it. ive found that this problem occurs when a microphons is plugged in for some reason, and while on my desktop i merely unplug my microphone to get it to work my laptop has a built in microphone so i cant resolve the problem that ways. any suggestions on how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated
What is wrong with my iPod Touch?
Its a 3rd gen 32 gb. I charged it last night and I went to play a video game for about an hour and a half. I checked my ipod and it was really hot. I unplugged the charger and it wont turn on now. I was wondering if the battery was fried or something else. I already tried charging it again but it wont turn on. I also plugged it to my computer and it doesn't recognize it.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
My hp laptop won't work. ?
Well I have a HP laptop and it won't turn on. I tired to reboot by turning it off taking the battery out and unplugging it multiple times. It still hasn't worked. I know that it's somewhat alive because the cap lock key and the scroll/number lock key are blinking. It hasn't been working since June 22. I would like to know the cheapest, easiest way possible. I have a Person who will fix the laptop for free but I won't be able to get my laptop fixed until Thursday.
What are tokens of love that one could lay into a casket with their loved ones?
(((Kaffy))) true story...when my brother passed away, I wrote a long letter asking for forgiveness for my part in our troubled relationship and placed it in his coffin. That taught me that life is short and not worth petty quarrels. Thanks for the BA, btw, Luv.
Hinduism ~ Important questions about death rituals...?
Please think for a moment. If we offer pinda sitting inside the ground floor of our house when our living aged father is in the first floor of the same house, will it reach him? No. Then how can our offering reach him after his death?
How do I make myself believe in the after life and the fact that one day I will leave this body?
You can stay away from evidence, learn how to deny reality or suffer some kind of brain injury or you can simply accept that there is no such thing as an afterlife.
I knead a bmx frame for undet 150$?
I am looking for a bmx frame for around 150$ I want it to be light and black if posible any ideas? i knead it kinda quickly
My cat kneads my lap?
Cats do that when they are happy and content. I bet he/she is purring away! They do these types of things since birth with their mom etc.
Can I substitute applesauce for the oil in this recipe?
Yes, applesauce may be used in place of the oil. I would increase it to about 1/2 cup if I were making it to be assured of adequate moisture content.
What type of flour is best for a bread maker?
Does anyone know what type of flour is best when you're using a bread maker? I think self-rising flour might be a wrong choice but using a bread maker is new to me. We use our bread maker to make bread and knead dough for rolls.
Network Cable Unplugged...?
My computer frequently says "a network cable is unplugged". This disconnects me from the internet and whenever I use my Xbox 360 for Xbox Live, I get signed off because of this. Does anyone know what the solution to this problem could be? All cables are plugged in and I've made sure that i heard the 'click' for when they're in all the way. I use a modem connected to a router, and the pc and xbox are connected to the router.
What are some complicated acoustic guitar songs that are fun to play?
I would like to know what acoustic songs are fun to play and require attention to detail when playing. Songs that use the whole fretboard such as the unplugged intro to Hotel California and Nothing Else Matters are awesome, I love learning those kinds of songs. And the intro solo to Wish You Were Here, Angie, Classical Gas, etc. I like classic rock and blues but also play modern songs like Taylor by Jack Johnson and Neon by John Mayer. I need some challenging songs that are still reasonable as I've gotten pretty good at guitar and am tired of learning songs with the basic C, G, D chords. I hate wonderwall and all the boring overplayed songs at parties. Thanks for any suggestions.
I cant play any steam games or any other games what do i do?
i started playing a game called garrys mod and it worked at first then my keyboard stopped working so i thought it got unplugged. it wasnt so i started to change the keys so w is to move forward it still was. i went to change it so i hit W and it said 5 i changed it again with the same key and it said 6. i dont know what to do
Is it a coincidence that my cooker, washer and drier have all broken in the same week?
There was a fault with the ignition on the cooker that made the electrics in the kitchen blow! It took me ages to find the fault, I unplugged everything obvious but forgot that even though the cooker is gas it has an electric ignition. Once I had unplugged it the electric worked after I had flicked the fuse switch. I can still use the cooker, I just need a lighter to get it going. The odd thing is that since then my washer and drier have also stopped working. My washer has always been a bit odd to be honest but this week it finally just stopped working. Then the tumble drier got really noisy then just expired. I did the obvious things like changing the fuses in the plugs to each appliance but no joy. It can't be a coincidence can it?
Goldfish got stuck in filter, can't swim correctly anymore?
This afternoon i came to feed my fish as usual, when i noticed that it was against the filter. i assumed that it must have been dead for that to have happened and i unplugged the filter. When i came to scoop him out he was swimming but he was on his side doing so. He can't get to the top of the water anymore to get his food. What should i do?
Every time I try to update my xbox 360 it say cannot procces update I tried unplugging it but still any ideas?
Every time I try to update my xbox 360 it say cannot procces update I tried unplugging it but still any ideas?
Why does my cat hiss whenever she's kneading a pillow or blanket?
She's maybe almost a year old now and she's been doing this for the longest time. Whenever she'll be kneading her paws into a blanket, pillow, or any other... soft material - she'll start to hiss very loudly. She's not in pain at all and there is nothing around to peeve her or make her upset. Anybody got any thoughts on this?
Computer won't connect to internet. Network cable unplugged?
At my house, we have a desktop and three laptops. The internet cable is plugged from the wall into the modem, the modem is plugged into the router, and the router is plugged into the desktop computer. The wireless internet connection on all of the laptops is perfect, but the desktop is suddenly not receiving any internet signal. A note comes up that says a network cable is unplugged. I don't know what happened. Any suggestions?
What is my cat doing?
Okay, so my cat has this really weird habit. When I'm sleeping at night, he will hop on the bed and start to knead the covers and he will purr loudly. Seems normal, right? Only my cat kneads my legs. I will move them away or try and curl up into a ball and he will follow. It's incredibly annoying because it wakes me up and it's nearly impossible to fall asleep with a cat pushing up and down on your legs with his front and back paws. Also, when I try and move or if I try to gently push him aside, he will make a weird little purr/meow sound and he will bite the bed sheets. Then he will commence in his kneading thing with the bed sheets still in his mouth. It happens like every night. The weird part is, he doesn't fall asleep on top of my legs afterward, so it seems pointless. What the heck is he doing?
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